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23 mars 2023
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Insomnia is a serious condition that can have a huge impact on your quality of life. It can cause stress and anxiety, and have a significant negative impact on your productivity and performance. Often, doctors will prescribe sleeping tablets such as Buy zopiclone Online to help ease insomnia symptoms, but these medications can become addictive if used for long periods of time. According to UK experts, this can lead to dependence or addiction, which is why it’s important to take precautions if you are planning on taking zopiclone for any length of time. A group of physicians in the UK have urged that online pharmacies stop selling zopiclone, an easily available prescription only sleeping tablet that can be abused and become addictive if not taken as prescribed by a doctor. They point to the recent case of a patient who reportedly overdosed on 100 zopiclone tablets bought from an internet site without a prescription, calling for further action by regulatory authorities. The benzodiazepine-related sleeping pill, also known as Imovane, is a class C controlled medicine in the UK, meaning that it should only be prescribed for short periods to treat insomnia. However, the physicians say that they have seen an increase in reports of zopiclone abuse or addiction from their patients. This is particularly concerning as buy Zopiclone 7.5mg was recently designated a drug of concern by the UK’s National Poisons Information Service.
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