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Виталий Меркушев
05 nov. 2022
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Milan-Spezia dove vederla: Sky o DAZN? Canale tv, diretta streaming, formazioni della partitaSerie A 19:32 CET 05/11/22 Esame Spezia per il Milan a San Siro: tutte le informazioni su dove seguire il match in diretta tv, in streaming e le probabili formazioni. Questa pagina contiene link di affiliazione. Quando sottoscrivi un abbonamento attraverso questi link, noi riceveremo una commissione MILAN-SPEZIA: CANALE TV E DIRETTA STREAMINGPartita: Milan-SpeziaData: 05-11-2022Orario: 20. 45Canale tv: DAZN, Sky Sport Uno (201 del satellite), Sky Sport Calcio (202 del satellite), Sky Sport 4K (213 del satellite), Sky Sport (251 del satellite)Streaming: DAZN, Sky Go, NOWIl Milan ospita lo Spezia in occasione della tredicesima giornata di Serie A. Come vedere Milan-Spezia in diretta streaming (Serie A)Milan-Spezia vede andare in scena un match tra due squadre determinate a conquistare i tre punti: guarda la partita in diretta streaming. Milan-Spezia vede andare in scena un match tra due squadre determinate a conquistare i tre punti: guarda la partita in diretta streaming. Milan-Spezia vede andare in scena a San Siro un match tra due squadre con ambizioni differenti, ma entrambe reduci da un risultato negativo in campionato e dunque intenzionate a riscattarsi. Spetta ai mister Pioli e Gotti elaborare la strategia migliore per farlo. Il fischio d’inizio è in programma per le ore 20:45 di sabato 5 novembre. Milan-Spezia: guarda la partita in diretta streaming C’è la possibilità di guardare alla partita collegandosi alla diretta streaming su DAZN. La telecronaca è affidata a Dario Mastroianni con Simone Tiribocchi al commento tecnico. In collegamento da bordocampo Federico Sala e Orazio Accomando. Chi lo preferisce, può scegliere come alternativa la trasmissione di Sky Q o quella dell’offerta TIMVISION. Nell’attuale classifica della Serie A, i rossoneri si trovano al terzo posto con 26 punti (dietro a Napoli e Atalanta), mentre i liguri sono impegnati ad allontanarsi dalle posizioni calde della zona retrocessione con 9 punti fin qui conquistati. (Guarda online) Milan Spezia in diretta streaming 5 novembre (Guarda in diretta<) Streaming: AC Milan Spezia diretta tv 5 novembre 2022 | Association Esp'OPKGyasi-Nzola sarà la coppia d'attacco Il calcio d’inizio di Milan Spezia è in programma per le ore 20, 45 di oggi, sabato 5 novembre 2022. In questo articolo abbiamo poi spiegato quali sono i migliori siti per vedere le partite di calcio in streaming in ottima qualità e in modo totalmente legale. Anche perché, lo ricordiamo, la pirateria è un reato. Le probabili formazioni Abbiamo visto dove vedere Milan Spezia in tv e streaming live, ma chi gioca? Quali sono le probabili formazioni? Vediamo insieme quali potrebbero essere le scelte dei due allenatori per il match di oggi: MILAN (4-2-3-1): Tatarusanu; Kalulu, Gabbia, Tomori, Hernandez; Bennacer, Tonali; Messias, De Ketelaere, Leao; Giroud. I liguri sono reduci dalla sconfitta beffa contro la Fiorentina, maturata soltanto al 90'. In graduatoria, la squadra di Gotti è rimasta ferma a quota 9 punti, con tre lunghezze di margine sulla zona retrocessione. L'ultimo precedente di San Siro risale allo scorso 17 gennaio, quando Gyasi firmò il 2-1 dello Spezia al 96esimo, poco dopo il contestatissimo episodio del goal non convalidato da Serra a Messias. Diretta/ Milan Spezia streaming video tv: chance per Origi Diretta Milan Spezia, streaming video tv: il testa a testa, le formazioni, orario e risultato live della partita valida per la 13^ Milan-Spezia Streaming Gratis: dove vedere la Serie A in Sabato 5 novembre alle 20.45, spazio alla sfida di Serie A fra Milan e Spezia a San Siro: Streaming Gratis e Diretta Milan Spezia streaming e diretta tv: dove vedere la partita di Serie AMilan Spezia streaming live, tv e probabili formazioni della partita della Serie A MILAN SPEZIA STREAMING TV – Oggi, sabato 5 novembre 2022, alle ore 20, 45 Milan e Spezia scendono in campo allo stadio San Siro di Milano, partita valida per la tredicesima giornata della Serie A 2022-2023. Dove vedere Milan Spezia in diretta tv e live streaming? Sky Sport o Dazn? Di seguito tutte le risposte su come e dove vedere la partita nel dettaglio: Dove vederla in tv e live streaming La partita di Serie A tra Milan e Spezia sarà visibile in diretta tv sulla piattaforma online DAZN e sui canali della tv satellitare Sky Sport e la loro app SkyGo. Previsto ampio pre e post partita con interviste ai protagonisti e commenti in studio con i vari ospiti ed esperti. Dopo aver raggiunto la qualificazione agli ottavi di Champions League, il Milan si rituffa in campionato per archiviare il più velocemente possibile il passo falso col Torino. In casa contro lo Spezia, la squadra di Pioli va alla caccia dei tre punti per provare ad accorciare in classifica su Atalanta e Napoli, impegnate nello scontro diretto a Bergamo soltanto poche ore prima. Milan Spezia streaming e diretta tv: dove vedere la partita di Milan Spezia streaming live, tv e probabili formazioni della partita della Serie A · MILAN SPEZIA STREAMING TV – Oggi, sabato 5 novembre
Виталий Меркушев
05 nov. 2022
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Sylvestre (David Gomis - tactique) J. Evan's (R. Armand - tactique) (M. Dembélé - tactique) 9' (E. Assifuah - blessure) Mateo Pavlović # 14 - Défenseur Duels gagnés 2/4 (50%) Passes réussies 46/51 (90. 2%) But 1 Match à suivre sur: La suite après cette publicité 4-3-3 3-5-2 Pierre Legat Arbitre principal Moyenne de cartons par match sur 21 matchs arbitrés Julien Schmitt Quatrième arbitre Michel Dolmadjian Arbitre assistant Marc Michout Eric Danizan Stade Nouste Camp - Bizanos Surface: pelouse naturelle Capacité: 4031 Affluence moyenne: 1360 Affluence maximum: 3518 Affluence minimum: 230% de remplissage: 43 Date 05 mars 2022 19:00 Compétition Ligue 2 BKT Saison 2021/2022 Phase Saison régulière - journée 27 Affluence du match 2356 Code PAU-AMI Zone France Equipe à domicile Pau Equipe à l'extérieur Amiens SC Quel est le résultat du match Pau Amiens? Pau a gagné le match sur le score de 2-1 À quelle heure et sur quelle chaîne voir le match entre Pau et Amiens en france? Le match est à suivre à 19:00 en direct sur Prime Video ou L'équipe Comment voir le match Pau Amiens en streaming? Match en streaming légal à suivre sur l'application officielle de Quelles sont les compositions officielles du match Pau Amiens? Pau: Entraînée par D. [DIFFUSION@] Pau FC Amiens en streaming gratuithttps://live247. space/570615-pau-fc-vs-amiens-live-stream-and-live-score-and-results-05-nov-2022-1800-utc. html? utm_source=zencastr. comFootball (Ligue 2): adversaire du Pau FC, Amiens est en terrain glissant« Les deux matchs contre Pau et QRM doivent nous servir à retrouver notre dynamique », lance le coach amiénois Philippe Hinschberger. © Crédit photo: Manon Cruz/Le Courrier Picard Par Nicolas MairalPublié le 03/11/2022 à 19h24 À la lutte pour le fauteuil de leader de L2 grâce à une série quasi parfaite (une défaite en dix matchs), Amiens, seulement quatrième et futur adversaire de Pau ce samedi, a marqué le pas sur la deuxième quinzaine d’octobre (deux revers consécutifs) Depuis sa descente de l’élite à l’issue de la saison 2019-2020, l’Amiens SC a eu du mal à se relever et a plus souvent nagé en eaux troubles dans le championnat de Ligue 2, comme en attestent ses places de 10e en 2020-2021 et 14e la saison passée. Pronostic Pau Amiens GRATUIT - Ligue 2 05/11/2022Analyse du match Pau AmiensLes enjeux du match Pau AmiensPau entend continuer à prendre des points dans l'optique du maintien alors qu'Amiens vise l'une des deux premières places. Pas d'avantage au niveau de la motivationL’état de formeTrès mal parti cet été dans cette Ligue 2, le Pau FC a nettement redressé la barre depuis. En effet, les joueurs de Didier Tholot ont relevé la tête et réalisé quelques bonnes performances pour figurer aujourd'hui en milieu de tableau, à la 11ème place, avec 17 points au compteur. Depuis leur dernier revers concédé sur le terrain de Metz (1-0), les Béarnais ont pris un point face à Rodez avant d'aligner deux excellents succès contre Annecy (0-2) et contre Nîmes (1-0) lors de la dernière journée. Dans le même temps, ils ont fait respecter la hiérarchie en s'imposant assez nettement devant l'US Salinieres Aigues Mortes (N3) la semaine dernière en Coupe de France (0-3). Découvrez Sorare, le jeu NFT qui révolutionne les fantasy sports (football, NBA, MLB)Inscrivez-vous via ce lien et obtenez 1 carte gratuite pour 5 cartes achetées aux enchères! Amiens, de son côté, est dans le bon coup pour le moment en Ligue 2. Après une dernière saison particulièrement décevante, le club picard a su hausser son niveau dans cette première partie de saison pour s'immiscer dans la course à la montée. Et avec 23 points pris en 13 journées, il occupe une assez intéressante 4ème place au classement avec 3 petites unités de retard sur la 2ème place. Mais après avoir remporté un dernier succès contre Dijon (2-1), les hommes de Philippe Hinschberger ont connu deux coups d'arrêt face à Nîmes (2-1) et contre Saint-Etienne (0-1). Pau - Amiens SC - Match en direct : Samedi 05 Mars 2022 à Live match Pau - Amiens 27e journée de Ligue 2 BKT 2021/2022 05 mars 2022 19:00 - Compositions, buteurs, Pau - Amiens SC - Match en direct: Samedi 05 Mars 2022 à 19h00Pau - Amiens SC le match en direct Samedi 05 Mars 2022 à 19h00 - 27ème journée de Ligue 2 Arbitre: Stade: Stade du Hameau Commentaires et analyses des internautes Match Pau - Amiens SC Vous pouvez suivre sur cette page les informations (but, résultat, commentaires) du match Pau - Amiens SC. Vous pouvez intérargir sur ce match en direct en déposant vos propres commentaires. AMIENS SC-Pau Streaming Gratuit Live. Où regarder? (2022)Dites-nous, quelle est votre équipe préférée? Sélectionnez votre équipe préférée maintenant et débloquez un accès exclusif. - Cliquez sur le logo de votre équipe pour continuer. Nous savons que les popups sont ennuyeux mais vous aurez terminé en moins de 15 secondes - promis! Encore un pas! Entrez votre email et cliquez sur le lien que nous vous enverrons. Akolo - tactique) 65' E. Alors que la lourde défaite à Metz en ouverture... Depuis sa descente de l’élite à l’issue de la saison 2019-2020, l’Amiens SC a eu du mal à se relever et a plus souvent nagé en eaux troubles dans le championnat de Ligue 2, comme en attestent ses places de 10e en 2020-2021 et 14e la saison passée. Alors que la lourde défaite à Metz en ouverture de cette saison (3-0) pouvait laisser imaginer un sort semblable pour cet exercice 2022-2023, les hommes de Philippe Hinschberger ont enchaîné les bons résultats par la suite. Match Pau FC - Amiens (Ligue 2): sur quelle chaîne TV et à quelle heure? Pau FC - Amiens Ligue 2Match diffusé en direct le 05 novembre 2022 à 19h00 sur Amazon Prime Video Le match Pau FC - Amiens: à quelle heure? Supporter de Pau FC ou Amiens, ne ratez pas le début de la rencontre! Le coup d'envoi du match entre Pau FC et Amiens, sera donné le 05 novembre 2022 à 19h00. Il s'agit d'une rencontre de Ligue 2. Pau FC - Amiens: sur quelle chaîne est diffusé le match? Le match Pau FC - Amiens sera diffusé en direct le 05 novembre 2022 à 19h00 sur Amazon Prime Video. Football - Ligue 2 - Journée 14 – Pau FC VS Amiens Le match Pau FC - Amiens est ce samedi 05 novembre à 19H00. Sur quelle chaîne TV voir Pau FC - Amiens ? La rencontre Pau FC - Amiens sera à suivre en Pau FC - Amiens (Ligue 2) - PAU FC · logo AMIENS SC. AMIENS SC. Live. Détails. Stats. Compositions. Classement. Avant Match. RECEVEZ VOTRE
Виталий Меркушев
05 nov. 2022
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78' Foul by Almamy Touré (Eintracht Frankfurt). Mads Pedersen (FC Augsburg) wins a free kick in the defensive half. 73' Florian Niederlechner (FC Augsburg) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. Makoto Hasebe (Eintracht Frankfurt) wins a free kick in the defensive half. Foul by Florian Niederlechner (FC Augsburg). Djibril Sow (Eintracht Frankfurt) wins a free kick in the defensive half. Foul by André Hahn (FC Augsburg). 72' Timothy Chandler (Eintracht Frankfurt) wins a free kick on the left wing. Conceded by Almamy Touré. 46' Attempt saved. Ricardo Pepi (FC Augsburg) left footed shot from the centre of the box is saved in the bottom left corner. Assisted by Mads Pedersen with a cross. 45' Substitution, FC Augsburg. Felix Uduokhai replaces Iago. Substitution, FC Augsburg. Mads Pedersen replaces Andi Zeqiri. Second Half begins FC Augsburg 1, Eintracht Frankfurt 1. 45'+4' First Half ends, FC Augsburg 1, Eintracht Frankfurt 1. 45'+1' Robert Gumny (FC Augsburg) wins a free kick on the right wing. 44' Attempt missed. 29' Jesper Lindstrøm (Eintracht Frankfurt) hits the left post with a right footed shot from the centre of the box. 27' Attempt missed. Timothy Chandler (Eintracht Frankfurt) right footed shot from the centre of the box is high and wide to the left. Assisted by Jesper Lindstrøm with a cross following a corner. Corner, Eintracht Frankfurt. Conceded by Reece Oxford. 26' Attempt missed. Jesper Lindstrøm (Eintracht Frankfurt) right footed shot from outside the box is close, but misses to the left. Assisted by Daichi Kamada. 25' Offside, FC Augsburg. Ruben Vargas tries a through ball, but Andi Zeqiri is caught offside. Foul by Sebastian Rode (Eintracht Frankfurt). Ruben Vargas (FC Augsburg) wins a free kick on the right wing. 71' Rafael Borré (Eintracht Frankfurt) wins a free kick in the defensive half. Foul by Robert Gumny (FC Augsburg). 70' Ricardo Pepi (FC Augsburg) wins a free kick on the left wing. 69' Ricardo Pepi (FC Augsburg) wins a free kick in the defensive half. 68' Substitution, FC Augsburg. André Hahn replaces Ruben Vargas. Substitution, FC Augsburg. Florian Niederlechner replaces Michael Gregoritsch. 64' Attempt missed. Iago (FC Augsburg) left footed shot from outside the box is high and wide to the left. Assisted by Michael Gregoritsch. 42' Offside, Eintracht Frankfurt. Djibril Sow tries a through ball, but Timothy Chandler is caught offside. 40' Timothy Chandler (Eintracht Frankfurt) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. Foul by Timothy Chandler (Eintracht Frankfurt). Arne Maier (FC Augsburg) wins a free kick in the defensive half. Attempt blocked. Ricardo Pepi (FC Augsburg) right footed shot from the centre of the box is blocked. 39' Hand ball by Ruben Vargas (FC Augsburg). 38' Goal! FC Augsburg 1, Eintracht Frankfurt 1. Michael Gregoritsch (FC Augsburg) left footed shot from a difficult angle on the left to the centre of the goal. Assisted by Iago with a through ball. 36' Andi Zeqiri (FC Augsburg) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. 33' Foul by Andi Zeqiri (FC Augsburg). Makoto Hasebe tries a through ball, but Gonçalo Paciência is caught offside. 90'+2' Attempt saved. Florian Niederlechner (FC Augsburg) right footed shot from the centre of the box is saved in the centre of the goal. Assisted by Alfred Finnbogason with a through ball. 90' Tuta (Eintracht Frankfurt) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. Foul by Tuta (Eintracht Frankfurt). Mads Pedersen (FC Augsburg) wins a free kick on the left wing. 89' Attempt missed. Jesper Lindstrøm (Eintracht Frankfurt) left footed shot from the left side of the box misses to the right. Assisted by Martin Hinteregger following a fast break. 88' Attempt saved. 24' Offside, FC Augsburg. Robert Gumny tries a through ball, but Ruben Vargas is caught offside. 22' Goal! FC Augsburg 0, Eintracht Frankfurt 1. Daichi Kamada (Eintracht Frankfurt) right footed shot from the centre of the box to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Rafael Borré. 20' Attempt missed. Obite Evan Ndicka (Eintracht Frankfurt) header from the centre of the box is too high. Conceded by Iago. %competition_name% (Sky Sports)Match ends, FC Augsburg 1, Eintracht Frankfurt 1. 90'+5' Second Half ends, FC Augsburg 1, Eintracht Frankfurt 1. 90'+4' Foul by Gonçalo Paciência (Eintracht Frankfurt). Felix Uduokhai (FC Augsburg) wins a free kick in the defensive half. Attempt saved. Arne Maier (FC Augsburg) left footed shot from the right side of the box is saved in the top right corner. Assisted by Robert Gumny. 90'+3' Offside, Eintracht Frankfurt. Eintracht Frankfurt vs FC Augsburg Live Streaming Eintracht Frankfurt vs FC Augsburg Live Streaming. Watch Eintracht Frankfurt vs FC Augsburg online for. Football Live Streaming and Watch Soccer Match FC Augsburg v Eintracht Frankfurt | Live Football Bundesliga Konferenz Radio · Live Match: FC Augsburg vs Eintracht Frankfurt · Frankfurt; Date: 2022-11-05 · Kickoff time: 08:30:00 · League / 53' Corner, Eintracht Frankfurt. Conceded by Rafal Gikiewicz. Attempt saved. Jesper Lindstrøm (Eintracht Frankfurt) right footed shot from outside the box is saved in the centre of the goal. 52' Rafael Borré (Eintracht Frankfurt) wins a free kick in the attacking half. 50' Offside, Eintracht Frankfurt. Daichi Kamada tries a through ball, but Obite Evan Ndicka is caught offside. Attempt blocked. Daichi Kamada (Eintracht Frankfurt) right footed shot from the centre of the box is blocked. 49' Daichi Kamada (Eintracht Frankfurt) wins a free kick on the right wing. Almamy Touré (Eintracht Frankfurt) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul. 47' Corner, FC Augsburg. Daichi Kamada (Eintracht Frankfurt) header from the centre of the box is too high. Assisted by Timothy Chandler with a cross. 61' Daichi Kamada (Eintracht Frankfurt) wins a free kick in the attacking half. Foul by Arne Maier (FC Augsburg). 59' Attempt missed. Almamy Touré (Eintracht Frankfurt) right footed shot from the centre of the box is close, but misses to the right. Fc Augsburg Vs Eintracht Frankfurt Live Scores 28176 Catch all the live action of {{HOMETEAM}} vs {{AWAYTEAM}}, England host Germany in UEFA Nations League 2022-23 clash at Wembley - watch live in Augsburg 1-1 Eintracht Frankfurt - January 16, 2022 - Football Full coverage of Augsburg vs Eintracht Frankfurt game on Sunday 16th of January at 14:30 including match guide, data analysis, probability Augsburg vs Eintracht Frankfurt - Bundesliga - Match Augsburg vs Eintracht Frankfurt in the Bundesliga (11/5/2022): Live score, stream, statistics match & H2H results on Assisted by Jeffrey Gouweleeuw. Offside, FC Augsburg. Jeffrey Gouweleeuw tries a through ball, but Florian Niederlechner is caught offside. 85' Hand ball by Gonçalo Paciência (Eintracht Frankfurt). 84' Substitution, FC Augsburg. Alfred Finnbogason replaces Ricardo Pepi. 82' Corner, FC Augsburg. Conceded by Makoto Hasebe. Attempt missed. Augsburg vs. Eintracht Frankfurt - Sportsnet NOW Augsburg vs. Eintracht Frankfurt. soccerBUND. Sign in or subscribe to watch. Sign in or Subscribe Share. Live & Upcoming. SV Darmstadt 98 vs. Hannover Mads Pedersen (FC Augsburg) left footed shot from the centre of the box misses to the right. 81' Substitution, Eintracht Frankfurt. Martin Hinteregger replaces Timothy Chandler. Substitution, Eintracht Frankfurt. Gonçalo Paciência replaces Rafael Borré. Attempt missed. Jesper Lindstrøm (Eintracht Frankfurt) right footed shot from outside the box is high and wide to the left from a direct free kick. 80' Djibril Sow (Eintracht Frankfurt) wins a free kick in the attacking half. Foul by Niklas Dorsch (FC Augsburg). 79' Substitution, Eintracht Frankfurt. Kristijan Jakic replaces Sebastian Rode. Live Commentary - FC Augsburg vs Frankfurt | 16.01.2022 Foul by Gonçalo Paciência (Eintracht Frankfurt). 90'+4' free_kick_won icon. Felix Uduokhai (FC Augsburg) wins a free kick in the defensive Augsburg v Eintracht Frankfurt Live Commentary, Jan 16, 2022 Bundesliga Live Commentary for Augsburg v Eintracht Frankfurt on 16 January 2022, includes full match statistics and key events, instantly
Виталий Меркушев
04 nov. 2022
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misses 26-foot three point pullup jump shotJonas Valanciunas blocks Jordan Poole's two point shotJordan Poole misses 27-foot three point jumperJordan Poole misses 17-foot pullup jump shotJordan Poole misses 25-foot three point pullup jump shotAndrew Wiggins makes driving layupAndrew Wiggins misses two point shotOtto Porter Jr. Rookie Paolo Banchero was held to 18 points for the Magic, the first time Oct 31 Zion back with double-double, Pelicans rout Clippers 112-91 LOS ANGELES (AP) — Zion Williamson had 21 points and 12 rebounds in his return, and the New Orleans Pelicans pulled away in the second half to rout the Los Angeles Clippers 112-91 on Sunday. CJ McCollum added 22 points for the Pelicans, who've won four of their first six BETH HARRIS, AP Sports Writer Oct 30 Bridges leads Suns over injury-depleted Pelicans 124-111 PHOENIX (AP) — Mikal Bridges had his best offensive night of the season to help his Phoenix Suns win a basketball game, then rushed back to the locker room to watch his beloved Philadelphia Phillies finish off a Game 1 win in the World Series. misses 26-foot three point jumperJonathan Kuminga misses 26-foot three point jumperJonathan Kuminga makes layupJordan Poole makes driving layupJordan Poole makes 29-foot three pointerJonathan Kuminga makes layupJordan Poole makes free throw 1 of 2Jordan Poole makes free throw 2 of 2Gary Clark blocks Jordan Poole 's 27-foot step back jumpshotJordan Poole makes 29-foot three pointerWARRIORSMadeMissedPELICANSMadeMissedShow FiltersRegular Season SeriesSeries tied 1-1Pelicans85Warriors126Game 1 11/5Warriors96Pelicans101Game 2 1/6Warriors128Pelicans107Game 3 4/102022-23 Pacific StandingsTeamWLPCTGBSTRKPhoenix61. 17. Also, you check out the recent form of New Orleans Pelicans and Golden State Warriors along with current standings and head-to-head statistics. All here on this page. Additionally, discover comprehensive pre-match and live betting odds, live scores, lineups and commentary. So, you can enjoy the best online betting experience with us at Oddspedia! The Comparison site for all your sports betting needsWanting more NBA Games? See below for this week's upcoming fixtures: Dallas Mavericks - Toronto Raptors, Minnesota Timberwolves - Milwaukee Bucks. Betting Odds ComparisonOddspedia provides New Orleans Pelicans and Golden State Warriors betting odds from 4 online betting sites in 13 sports betting markets. How to Watch New Orleans Pelicans V Golden State Warriors Via LivestreamIf you want to watch the game free of charge and without ads, simply follow the next steps:Step 1 - Click on our Live Stream box above and sign up to the bookie - this is a completely free registrationStep 2 - Scroll through the list of the sporting events and find the one you are interested inStep 3 - Watch the game ad-freeNew Orleans Pelicans Vs Golden State Warriors SummaryOn this page you will find a complete betting analysis and detailed statistics for the New Orleans Pelicans - Golden State Warriors match from NBA USA to be played on 05/11/2022. New Orleans Pelicans - Golden State Warriors » Live Score & Stream + Odds and StatsNew Orleans Pelicans host Golden State Warriors in a NBA game, certain to entertain all Basketball fans. This match will take place on 05/11/2022 at 00:30 UTC. Oddspedia provides the latest up to date betting odds New Orleans Pelicans and Golden State Warriors from 4 online bookmakers on 13 sports betting markets. Currently, bookmakers place New Orleans Pelicans as favourites to win the game at @ 1. misses 17-foot jumperAndrew Wiggins misses three point jumperJordan Poole misses driving floating jump shotAndrew Wiggins misses pullup jump shotKevon Looney makes two point shotAndrew Wiggins makes driving layupAndrew Wiggins makes free throw 1 of 1Otto Porter Jr. makes 25-foot three point jumper (Jordan Poole assists)Andrew Wiggins makes 24-foot step back jumpshot (Damion Lee assists)Nemanja Bjelica makes 26-foot three point jumper (Jordan Poole assists)Andrew Wiggins misses 23-foot three point jumperNemanja Bjelica makes layup (Jonathan Kuminga assists)Jonathan Kuminga misses 12-foot two point shotJonathan Kuminga misses layupDamion Lee makes 20-foot jumper (Andre Iguodala assists)Damion Lee misses free throw 1 of 2Damion Lee makes free throw 2 of 2Jonathan Kuminga misses free throw 1 of 2Jonathan Kuminga makes free throw 2 of 2Jonathan Kuminga misses layupJonathan Kuminga misses two point shotJonathan Kuminga misses tip shotJonathan Kuminga makes two point shotJonathan Kuminga makes dunk (Andre Iguodala assists)Damion Lee misses 7-foot two point shotDamion Lee makes two point shotDamion Lee misses 26-foot three point jumperMoses Moody misses 26-foot three point jumperMoses Moody makes driving layup (Nemanja Bjelica assists)Moses Moody makes free throw 1 of 2Moses Moody makes free throw 2 of 2Moses Moody makes dunk (Andre Iguodala assists)Nemanja Bjelica makes layup (Damion Lee assists)Moses Moody misses 25-foot three point jumperKevon Looney misses 19-foot pullup jump shotDamion Lee makes 26-foot three point jumper (Kevon Looney assists)Damion Lee misses 25-foot step back jumpshotAndrew Wiggins makes 6-foot driving floating jump shot (Jordan Poole assists)Andrew Wiggins makes driving layupOtto Porter Jr. New Orleans Pelicans NBA - Bally SportsNov 03 Willie Green Postgame Press Conference: Pelicans at LA Lakers Willie Green discusses the New Orleans Pelicans Wednesday night loss to the Los Angeles Lakers. Watch now Willie Green Postgame Press Conference: Pelicans at LA Lakers Zion Williamson Records Season High 27 Points vs. LA Lakers | Pelicans Live Nov 03 Garland returns to lift Cavs over Celtics in OT LeBron James and Anthony Davis showing Zion love Upcoming on Bally SportsSee all Pelicans Live Pregame Nov 05 - 12:00 AM Golden State Warriors at New Orleans Pelicans Nov 05 - 12:30 AM Pelicans Live Postgame Nov 05 - 3:00 AM (Re-Air) Golden State Warriors at New Orleans Pelicans Nov 05 - 4:00 AM NewsSee all CLEVELAND (AP) — Darius Garland scored 29 points in his return after missing five games with an ugly eye injury, Donovan Mitchell added 25 and the Cleveland Cavaliers beat the Boston Celtics 114-113 in overtime on Wednesday night for their sixth straight victory. Garland added 12 assists, including an alley-oop The Associated Press Ryan forces OT, Lakers rally for 120-117 win over Pelicans LOS ANGELES (AP) — Matt Ryan hit a tying 3-pointer at the regulation buzzer, Lonnie Walker made a key 3-pointer in overtime while scoring 28 points, and the Los Angeles Lakers beat the New Orleans Pelicans 120-117 Wednesday night for their second straight victory after an 0-5 start to the GREG BEACHAM, AP Sports Writer Doncic has season-high 44 points, Mavs beat Magic 114-105 DALLAS (AP) — Luka Doncic scored 30 of his season-high 44 points in the first half and the Dallas Mavericks rebounded from a collapse a night earlier by beating the Orlando Magic 114-105 on Sunday night. Warriors vs. Pelicans - NBA Game Summary - January 6, 2022 | ESPNGame LeadersA. WigginsSF - GS21PTS7/17FG6/7FTB. IngramSF - NO32PTS12/21FG7/8FTTeam StatsField Goal%GS42. 542. 2NOThree Point%GS21. 223. 5NOTotal TurnoversGS1417NOReboundsGS4346NOGame InformationSmoothie King Center8:00 PM, January 6, 2022New Orleans, LA Line: NO -1. 0Over/Under: 212Attendance: 15, 98695%Capacity: 16, 867Referees:Kane FitzgeraldMatt MyersJ. B. DeRosaIngram scores 32, Pelicans beat depleted Warriors 101-96— Brandon Ingram broke out of a shooting slump with 32 points and the New Orleans Pelicans snapped a three-game skid with a 101-96 victory over the depleted Golden State Warriors on Thursday night. 1/6/2022 - APShot ChartBrandon Ingram makes two point shot (Jonas Valanciunas assists)Jonas Valanciunas misses 26-foot three point jumperDevonte' Graham makes 10-foot driving floating jump shot (Jonas Valanciunas assists)Brandon Ingram misses 15-foot two point shotBrandon Ingram misses driving layupBrandon Ingram makes tip shotJonas Valanciunas misses 5-foot two point shotDevonte' Graham misses 16-foot pullup jump shotBrandon Ingram misses 26-foot three point jumperDevonte' Graham misses 25-foot three point jumperJonas Valanciunas misses 27-foot three point jumperBrandon Ingram makes two point shotJonas Valanciunas misses layupHerbert Jones makes 23-foot jumper (Jonas Valanciunas assists)Damion Lee blocks Jose Alvarado 's 3-foot layupJonas Valanciunas makes layupBrandon Ingram misses driving layupAndrew Wiggins blocks Josh Hart 's 2-foot two point shotNickeil Alexander-Walker misses 17-foot two point shotGarrett Temple makes 29-foot three point jumper (Herbert Jones assists)Jaxson Hayes makes free throw 1 of 2Jaxson Hayes misses free throw 2 of 2Nickeil Alexander-Walker misses 26-foot three point jumperDevonte' Graham misses 26-foot three point jumperGarrett Temple misses 25-foot three point jumperDevonte' Graham misses 26-foot three point jumperNickeil Alexander-Walker makes driving layupJosh Hart misses driving layupJosh Hart makes driving layup (Garrett Temple assists)Josh Hart makes free throw 1 of 2Josh Hart makes free throw 2 of 2Josh Hart misses 26-foot three point jumperGarrett Temple makes 2-foot layup (Brandon Ingram assists)Nickeil Alexander-Walker makes driving layup (Brandon Ingram assists)Brandon Ingram makes driving layupBrandon Ingram makes free throw 1 of 1Gary Clark makes free throw 1 of 2Gary Clark misses free throw 2 of 2Brandon Ingram misses 27-foot three point pullup jump shotBrandon Ingram makes 12-foot two point shot (Garrett Temple assists)Brandon Ingram makes pullup jump shotBrandon Ingram makes driving dunkKevon Looney blocks Gary Clark 's 23-foot three point jumperDevonte' Graham misses 25-foot three point jumperGary Clark makes 24-foot three point jumper (Brandon Ingram assists)Herbert Jones misses two point shotBrandon Ingram makes free throw 1 of 2Brandon Ingram makes free throw 2 of 2Herbert Jones makes two point shot (Brandon Ingram assists)Brandon Ingram makes 15-foot pullup jump shotDevonte' Graham misses driving layupJonas Valanciunas makes layup (Josh Hart assists)Brandon Ingram misses technical free throwJosh Hart misses 25-foot three point jumperBrandon Ingram misses 23-foot three point shotJonas Valanciunas makes free throw 1 of 2Jonas Valanciunas makes free throw 2 of 2Josh Hart makes two point shot (Devonte' Graham assists)Jonas Valanciunas makes free throw 1 of 2Jonas Valanciunas makes free throw 2 of 2Josh Hart makes 26-foot three point jumper (Brandon Ingram assists)Devonte' Graham misses 11-foot two point shotHerbert Jones makes free throw 1 of 2Herbert Jones makes free throw 2 of 2Brandon Ingram makes driving layupBrandon Ingram makes free throw 1 of 2Brandon Ingram makes free throw 2 of 2Herbert Jones makes dunk (Brandon Ingram assists)Garrett Temple misses 25-foot three point jumperHerbert Jones misses 22-foot jumperJose Alvarado misses 26-foot three point shotBrandon Ingram makes 26-foot three point jumper (Herbert Jones assists)Jose Alvarado misses 24-foot three point jumperNemanja Bjelica blocks Nickeil Alexander-Walker 's 3-foot layupGary Clark makes 24-foot three point jumper (Nickeil Alexander-Walker assists)Jaxson Hayes makes driving layup (Jose Alvarado assists)Jaxson Hayes misses free throw 1 of 1Nickeil Alexander-Walker makes 26-foot three pointerJose Alvarado misses two point shotDevonte' Graham misses 26-foot three point pullup jump shotDevonte' Graham makes driving layupDevonte' Graham makes 24-foot three point jumper (Nickeil Alexander-Walker assists)Nickeil Alexander-Walker misses 26-foot three point jumperGary Clark makes 24-foot three point jumper (Josh Hart assists)Jaxson Hayes makes layupJosh Hart makes two point shotNickeil Alexander-Walker misses driving layupDevonte' Graham misses 25-foot three point jumperNickeil Alexander-Walker misses 26-foot three point jumperJonathan Kuminga blocks Brandon Ingram 's 10-foot two point shotHerbert Jones misses 21-foot jumperBrandon Ingram misses 21-foot pullup jump shotBrandon Ingram makes driving layupGarrett Temple misses 25-foot three point jumperHerbert Jones makes free throw 1 of 2Herbert Jones misses free throw 2 of 2Josh Hart misses 26-foot three point jumperHerbert Jones misses 6-foot two point shotDevonte' Graham misses 27-foot three point jumperBrandon Ingram makes 9-foot two point shot (Jonas Valanciunas assists)Josh Hart misses 26-foot three point jumperHerbert Jones makes driving layupBrandon Ingram makes free throw 1 of 2Brandon Ingram makes free throw 2 of 2Devonte' Graham misses 26-foot three point jumperJosh Hart makes free throw 1 of 2Josh Hart makes free throw 2 of 2Josh Hart misses free throw 1 of 2Josh Hart makes free throw 2 of 2Herbert Jones makes free throw 1 of 2Herbert Jones makes free throw 2 of 2Gary Payton II makes dunk (Kevon Looney assists)Andrew Wiggins misses 25-foot step back jumpshotJordan Poole misses 25-foot three point pullup jump shotGary Payton II misses 26-foot three point jumperJordan Poole misses 26-foot three point jumperAndrew Wiggins misses free throw 1 of 2Andrew Wiggins makes free throw 2 of 2Otto Porter Jr. misses 15-foot pullup jump shotJonas Valanciunas blocks Kevon Looney 's 2-foot layupJordan Poole misses 22-foot pullup jump shotAndrew Wiggins misses driving layupKevon Looney misses tip shotOtto Porter Jr. makes pullup jump shot (Jordan Poole assists)Gary Payton II makes 8-foot hook shot (Jordan Poole assists)Jordan Poole makes technical free throwAndrew Wiggins makes free throw 1 of 2Andrew Wiggins makes free throw 2 of 2Andrew Wiggins makes free throw 1 of 2Andrew Wiggins makes free throw 2 of 2Kevon Looney makes 2-foot layup (Andrew Wiggins assists)Kevon Looney makes 9-foot two point shotAndrew Wiggins misses 27-foot three point jumperKevon Looney misses 18-foot jumperAndre Iguodala misses three point jumperAndrew Wiggins makes driving layupAndre Iguodala makes 27-foot three point jumper (Damion Lee assists)Damion Lee makes two point shotDamion Lee misses driving layupJonathan Kuminga makes driving layupMoses Moody makes free throw 1 of 2Moses Moody makes free throw 2 of 2Jonathan Kuminga misses 26-foot three point jumperDamion Lee makes 23-foot step back jumpshot (Andre Iguodala assists)Nemanja Bjelica misses 29-foot three point jumperNemanja Bjelica makes layup (Andre Iguodala assists)Moses Moody makes driving dunk (Chris Chiozza assists)Jaxson Hayes blocks Chris Chiozza 's 2-foot driving layupDamion Lee misses three point jumperAndre Iguodala makes two point shot (Chris Chiozza assists)Nemanja Bjelica misses 29-foot three point jumperJaxson Hayes blocks Andrew Wiggins 's 2-foot driving layupJordan Poole misses 26-foot three point jumperMoses Moody misses 24-foot three point jumperJonathan Kuminga misses layupJonathan Kuminga makes driving layup (Andre Iguodala assists)Andrew Wiggins makes 11-foot two point shot (Andre Iguodala assists)Andrew Wiggins misses driving layupJordan Poole misses 24-foot three point jumperAndrew Wiggins misses 28-foot three point jumperOtto Porter Jr. With two big victories in DAVID BRANDT, AP Sports Writer Oct 29 Recent Games ReplaysSee all Nov 03 - 5:00 AM New Orleans Pelicans at Los Angeles Lakers Nov 03 - 2:30 AM Nov 03 - 2:00 AM Team Statistics Latest VideosSee all Top Players Featured The stocks of Arizona guard Bennedict Mathurin and Memphis center Jalen Duren are rising as Thursday’s draft nears Read more Photo GalleriesSee all Zion Williamson returns, Pelicans rout Clippers 112-91 More NewsSee all Pelicans pick up options on Murphy, Lewis Jr. How to watch Warriors vs. Pelicans game online, on TV he Warriors welcome the New Orleans Pelicans in the penultimate Win or lose, their seeding fate in the NBA's play-in tournament will be decided New Orleans Pelicans V Golden State Warriors - YouTube broadcast ▻▻ RWatch the New Orleans Pelicans NBA - Bally Sports Check out NBA New Orleans Pelicans here. Season High 27 Points vs. LA Lakers | Pelicans Live (Re-Air) Golden State Warriors at New Orleans NEW ORLEANS (AP) — The New Orleans Pelicans have exercised options for recent first-round draft choices Kira Lewis Jr. and Trey Murphy III. The club announced Thursday that it picked up a fourth-year option for Lewis, a point guard drafted 13th overall out of Alabama in 2020, and a third-year Oct 28 Booker leads Suns past Warriors 134-105; Thompson ejected PHOENIX (AP) — Devin Booker scored 34 points, Deandre Ayton added 16 points and 14 rebounds and the Phoenix Suns beat the Golden State Warriors 134-105 on Tuesday night in a game that featured Klay Thompson's first career ejection and seven technical fouls. Both teams lost their cool at various Oct 26 Murphy leads under-manned Pelicans past Mavericks, 113-111 NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Trey Murphy III scored 22 points and the short-handed New Orleans Pelicans overcame Luka Doncic's latest prolific performance to beat the Dallas Mavericks 113-111 on Tuesday night. Pelicans vs Warriors odds, Ingram injury update, predictions The New Orleans Pelicans will try to get back on track tonight at home against the Golden State Warriors, who are New Orleans vs Golden State scores & predictions | SofaScore New Orleans Pelicans - Golden State Warriors game starts on Nov 5, 2022 at 12:30:00 AM UTC. Follow the game on SofaScore with live scores and
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04 nov. 2022
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Anıl'ın penaltı noktası civarından uygun durumda yaptığı vuruşta, top ağlara gitti: 2-0 Kalan dakikalarda iki takım da yakaladığı pozisyonları değerlendiremedi ve Kasımpaşa soyunma odasına 2-0 önde gitti. 53. dakikada Atila Turan'ın soldan ortasında Badji'nin ceza sahası içinde yaptığı kafa vuruşunda, meşin yuvarlak yandan auta çıktı. 56. dakikada sağ kanattan son çizgiye inen Kitsiou, pasını Endri Çekiçi'ye verdi. ÖZET | Kasımpaşa 3 1 MKE AnkaragücüKasımpaşa, Süper Lig'in 41. haftasında konuk ettiği MKE Ankaragücü'nü 2-1 mağlup etti. Bu sonuçla sezonun bitimine bir hafta kala başkent temsilcisinin küme düşmesi kesinleşti İstanbul ekibine üç puanı getiren golleri 9. dakikada Hadergjonaj, 13. dakikada Anıl Koç ve 90+6. dakikada Mehmet Feyzi Yıldırım kaydetti. Başkent ekibinin tek golü ise 85. dakikada Aliou Badji'den geldi. Kasımpaşa bu sonuçla puanını 46'ya çıkarıp 13. sıraya yerleşirken, MKE Ankaragücü ise 38 puanla 18. sırada kaldı. Karşılaşmadan dakikalar 5. dakikada Kasımpaşa penaltı kazandı. Hajradinovic'in ceza sahası içinde Pinto'nun temasıyla yerde kalması üzerine maçın hakemi Mete Kalkavan penaltı noktasını gösterdi. MKE Ankaragücü Haberleri - Transfer ve Son Dakika MKE Ankaragücü ile ilgili son dakika haberleri ve transfer gelişmelerinin yanı sıra özel röportajlar ve istatistikler beIN MKE Ankaragücü - Medipol Başakşehir Maç Özeti (Video) MKE Ankaragücü Medipol Başakşehir. İşte maçın kırılma anı! 89'. Şimdi de direkten döndü! Konyaspor Kasımpaşa tehlikeli VAR odasının uyarısıyla pozisyonu saha kenarında monitörden izleyen Mete Kalkavan, kararını değiştirmedi. 9'uncu dakikada penaltıda topun başına geçen Hadergjonaj, meşin yuvarlağı filelerle buluşturdu: 1-0 13. dakikada ev sahibi takım farkı 2'ye çıkardı. Sarlija'nın uzaklaştırmak istediği top, Koomson'un kafasına çarptıktan sonra Thelin'in önüne düştü. Thelin, sağ taraftan ceza sahasına girdikten sonra meşin yuvarlağı Anıl Koç'a aktardı. Ankaragücü - Kasýmpaþa arasýndaki maçlar - Maç özeti, son dakika geliþmeleri Ankaragücü - Kasýmpaþa arasýndaki maçlar - Maç özeti, son dakika geliþmeleri Ankaragücü Genel Ýç saha Dýþ saha 30. 10. 22 SÜL Hatayspor 24. 22 Giresunspor [D] 17. 22 Fenerbahçe 08. 22 Ýstanbulspor [D] 01. 22 Baþakþehir 18. 09. 22 Sivasspor 09. 22 Alanyaspor [D] 04. 22 Beþiktaþ 27. 08. 22 Karagümrük [D] 14. 22 Gaziantep FK [D] 08. 22 Konyaspor 20. 07. Gaziantep FK - MKE Ankaragücü Maç Özeti (Video) İşte Kasımpaşa'nın sayılmayan golü. 16'. Kırmızı kart: Hasan Yesilyurt. 26'. Zajc'ın golü VAR'a takıldı. 30'. Valencia net fırsatı MKE Ankaragücü - Kasımpaşa Maç Özeti (Video) Alanya'da ilk 11'ler belli oldu. 45'. Anastasios Bakasetas. 48'. Papiss Cisse. 60'. Alanyaspor 10 kişi kaldı. 90'. Issam Spor Toto Süper Lig Maç Özetleri ve Golleri | beIN SPORTSMedipol Başakşehir33-131 Ekim 2022, Pazartesi, 17:00ÖZETİ İZLE-Bitexen Giresunspor10’İlk 11'ler 11’İşte Bitexen Giresunspor'un ofsayt gerekçesiyle sayılmayan golü 27’Hasan Ali Kaldırım'dan kritik müdahale 38’Youssouf Ndayishimiye 47’Volkan Babacan'dan geçit yok 65’Philippe Keny 76’Ömer Sahiner 80’Sérgio Antonio Da Luiz Junior 89’Bitexen Giresunspor'un golü yine ofsayta takıldı Demir Grup Sivasspor00-231 Ekim 2022, Pazartesi, 17:00ÖZETİ İZLE-Fraport TAV Antalyaspor20’İlk 11'ler 3’Larsson çok uzaklardan denedi! 18’Erdogan Yesilyurt 25’Haji Wright 56’Fraport TAV Antalyaspor 3. gole çok yaklaştı! İstanbulspor22-530 Ekim 2022, Pazar, 17:00ÖZETİ İZLE-Fenerbahçe50’İlk 11'ler 5’İstanbulspor'un golü ofsayta takıldı! 7’Fenerbahçe golü aradı! 18’Michy Batshuayi 23’Batshuayi ısrar etti, Fenerbahçe tehlikeli geldi! 29’İrfan Can ceza sahası dışından yokladı! 36’İrfan Can Kahveci 47’Jetmir Topalli 49’Michy Batshuayi 67’Jetmir Topalli 86’Enner Valencia 88’Michy Batshuayi Beşiktaş55-230 Ekim 2022, Pazar, 14:00ÖZETİ İZLE-HangiKredi Ümraniyespor20’İlk 11'ler 5’Cenk Tosun 33’Wout Weghorst 42’Avonou boş pozisyonda dışarı vurdu! 43’Saiss'ın vuruşu az farkla dışarda! 45’Yonathan Del Valle 47’Beşiktaş'tan üst üste tehlikeler! 48’Tayyip Sanuç 53’Salih Uçan net pozisyondan yararlanamadı! 57’Durel Avounou 62’Cenk Tosun 67’HangiKredi Ümraniyespor tehlikeli geldi! 78’Wout Weghorst 82’Mert Günok gole izin vermedi! 84’Weghorst hat-trick'e çok yaklaştı! Yukatel Kayserispor22-230 Ekim 2022, Pazar, 14:00ÖZETİ İZLE-Adana Demirspor20’Kayseri'de 11'ler belli oldu 2’Adana Demirspor golle başlıyordu 5’Yukatel Kayserispor Kemen ile gole yaklaştı 13’Papa Ndiaye 22’Yukatel Kayserispor bu pozisyonda penaltı bekledi 40’Adana Demirspor'un penaltısı VAR'a takıldı 65’Henry Onyekuru 67’Mario Gavranovic 82’Miguel Felipe Nunes Cardoso 90’90+4! Mane müthiş vurdu, Ertaç kurtardı MKE Ankaragücü44-130 Ekim 2022, Pazar, 11:30ÖZETİ İZLE-Atakaş Hatayspor10’İlk 11'ler 3’Giorgi Beridze 19’Ali Sowe vurdu, Erce son anda çeldi 29’Erce kalesinde yine başarılı! 45’Erce yakın mesafede geçit vermedi! 48’İşte MKE Ankaragücü'nün ofsayttan iptal edilen golü 61’Taylan Antalyalı 69’Ali Sowe 86’Ayoub El Kaabi 90’Lamine Diack Corendon Alanyaspor22-029 Ekim 2022, Cumartesi, 17:00ÖZETİ İZLE-Gaziantep FK00’Alanya'da 11'ler belli oldu 21’Leroy Fer 23’Furkan direğe nişanladı 31’Maxim uzaklardan denedi 53’Jure Balkovec 79’Maxim müthiş vurdu, Runarsson aynı güzellikte çıkardı Arabam. Endri Çekiçi'nin ceza sahası sağ çaprazından çıkardığı sert şutta, meşin yuvarlağı kaleci Ertuğrul Taşkıran kontrol etti. 85. dakikada MKE Ankaragücü farkı 1'e indirdi. Alper Potuk'un kullandığı serbest vuruşta ceza yayı üzerinde önce Hajradinovic'e sonra da Kulusic'e çarpan meşin yuvarlak Badji'nin önünde kaldı. Badji'nin ceza sahası içinde yaptığı vuruşta top filelerle buluştu: 2-1 90+5. dakikada Geraldo'nun sağ çaprazdan ortasında, Lobjanidze'nin altıpasın önünden kafa vuruşunda, soluna iyi uzanan kaleci Ertuğrul Taşkıran meşin yuvarlağı iki hamlede kontrol etti. 90+6. dakikada Kasımpaşa üçüncü golü buldu. İstanbulspor - MKE Ankaragücü Maç Özeti (Video) Kasımpaşa. 0. 0'. İlk 11'ler. 19'. Bakasetas'ın kafa vuruşu auta gitti! 28'. Eysseric frikikten kaleyi yokladı! 56'. Akyazı'da inanılmaz Kasımpaşa Haberleri - Transfer ve Son Dakika - beIN SPORTS Kasımpaşa ile ilgili son dakika haberleri ve transfer gelişmelerinin yanı sıra özel Spor Toto Süper LigSüper Lig'de 12. haftanın tüm özetleri ankaragucu-kasimpasa-maci-sifresiz-canli Haberleri En Son Kasımpaşa Ankaragücü maçı özeti ve golleri izle ile birlikteyiz. Spor Toto Süper Lig'in 4. haftasında Kasımpaşa, sahasında ligin yeni ekibi MKE Ankaragücü

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