From BuzzFeed lists to Twitter clapbacks, GIF Real Estate Photo Editing (short for Graphics Interchange Format) is part of the language of the web. If you do a Google image search or search for Giphy, one of the biggest GIF aggregators, you'll see a wide variety of GIFs from all over the world. Animated GIFs (pronounced in both "jif" and "gif" and discussing pronunciation is a surefire way to start a discussion online) are media files that can be inserted into Real Estate Photo Editing personal messages or online public content. It's a kind. A quick search on Google defines GIF as "a lossless format for image files that supports both animated and still images," which became popular in the 1980s.
GIFs can express emotions and scenarios in a Real Estate Photo Editing more dynamic and entertaining format. GIF history Steve Wilhite of CompuServe created a GIF to save memory when displaying images. Wilhite's team came up with a way to serve these images by using a compression algorithm and limiting the number of colors. advertisement Continue reading below This algorithm worked by identifying iterative patterns, making GIFs great for creating high-performance, photorealistic images. The file contains multiple versions of the image, and you can stitch them together to create a loop video. After that, GIF had a history. Unisys Corp, the company that owns the GIF Real Estate Photo Editing algorithm, started billing for GIF royalties in 1995 and the patent did not expire until 2003. Google Images first appeared in 2001, but until 2013 there was no explicit feature for searching GIFs. In 2019, Google added shareable GIFs to its search results. How does Google crawl GIFs? Google currently seems to read GIFs in the same way it reads all other images.
However, the focus is on making it possible to Real Estate Photo Editing search and share GIFs via Google Image Search. Google image optimization techniques are a way to get GIFs to be crawled, parsed, and indexed. Is GIF suitable for SEO? GIFs can be SEO-friendly, just as all well-crafted images are SEO-friendly. In short, GIFs can encourage clicks and keep people on the page. advertisement Continue reading below GIFs can be shared, and brand-appropriate and shareable GIFs can last a long time in the meme ecosystem. For those who like GIFs, GIFs allow you Real Estate Photo Editing to split long articles and add relevance to your content. Is GIF bad for SEO? GIFs aren't bad for SEO unless they're presented correctly and slow down your site. GIFs can adversely affect SEO if they rely on GIFs more than text, or if they are too heavy.